Message: “Jesus – The Light Of The World” from Greg Burlile

A message from the series “Unwrapping the Names of Jesus.” This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and the first of our new message series “Unwrapping the Names of Jesus”. Each Sunday during Advent we will look at Bible passages that point us to one of the names used to describe Jesus our Savior. This week we will examine passages that tells us that Jesus is the light of the world.

Message: “Thanks Living” from Greg Burlile

A message from the series “Stand Alone Sermons.” God calls believers to live a lifestyle of giving thanks and to have an attitude of gratitude. This message will give us some practical ways to move beyond giving thanks on just one day in November.

Message: “The Church as the Family of God” from Greg Burlile

A message from the series “Metaphors for the Church.” Our final metaphor we will explore for the church of God is the church as the family of God. When we are born again, we are adopted into the family of God. What does this mean for us as a local church? What does this mean for us as individuals in this diverse group of believers? We will explore what God’s Word has to say about this and more related to the church as the family of God.

Message: “The Church as the Temple of God” from Nick Higgins

A message from the series “Metaphors for the Church.” Our scripture passage for this week is Ephesians 2:19-22. Here Paul describes the church as a temple that has a foundation, a cornerstone, and that believers are being joined together to make this temple of God.

Message: “The Church as the Body of Christ” from Greg Burlile

A message from the series “Metaphors for the Church.” In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul describes the church as the body of Christ. He uses this metaphor for a specific purpose in addressing some of the issues that the church was facing. In our study this week on Metaphors for the Church, we will examine Paul’s use of this metaphor and how it applies to us today.

Message: “The Church as the Bride of Christ” from Greg Burlile

A message from the series “Metaphors for the Church.” Join us for our new message series where we will cover some of the biblical metaphors used for the church. We are starting off with the church as the bride of Christ. What does this mean and how should it impact our view of the church and our own lives as members of the church?

Message: “Watching Out For Obstacles” from Greg Burlile

A message from the series “Finishing Well.” If you are running in a 5K race, you need to watch out for obstacles in the road along the way so that they won’t hinder you from finishing well. The same is true in the race each Christian runs. There are common obstacles the enemy throws in our path that we must be aware of and guard against. Join us in the second message in our series “Finishing Well”.